Sunday, February 15, 2015

Abuse and the abused.

How do you explain a cloud descending upon your consciousness? The edges get dull and your brain adapts, ignoring the existence of another way. Your hand moves slowly, reaction is not as swift as it once was and thought retreats upon itself. Perspective blurred. You know something is wrong but you can't quite put a finger on it, your own subconscious sparing you the pain of remembrance. And then, the proverbial eye test. She slips on the new glasses, your world explodes. Just like that. Focus. Sharp. Like a free HD upgrade. You take a deep breath; suddenly you remember. As the world tilts and shifts and lists, your feet move of their own accord. You never lose balance. And just like that, you're back. The haze is gone, the periphery widens, the edges are sharp once again. With a sneer you swear, never again will you let yourself sink so deep. 

Until next time of course. 

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