Thursday, November 25, 2010

I can haz a blog!

Yes. I finally did it. Fuck knows how many people will read it but at least there's a space and there's always verbal diarrhea (well, in this case, uh, character-based diarrhea?). I have no clue what will be up here - whether it's just random ramblings, post relationship stress, general all round pissiness (Hey, I invented a word! Or not. Dunno?!?!?!), some random bits of music I either write or am working on, festivals, fuck knows man! I HAVE A BLOG! After resisting the temptation for the longest time, not figuring out WTF it was all about, and being generally bored, lonely - take your pick - I think it is time to vent.

And vent I will.

Just not now. It's 230am, my ears are shot from mixing all day, and 'tis time to get blazoned and go to sleep.

In other news - I dropped some. And it was awesome. To all those who've been telling me so while I "hmphed" - sorry. I was wrong. It rules. And the next time, I wanna do it with equally fun people! Poor brain cells!

Good night internet!